Sunday, April 30, 2006

This is from Zmrzlina - it is such a pretty place. I would love to visit one day!

This is a Kaj Stenvall painting. This is the third one I have received and I love them. He is Finnish artist who has made a lot of strange duck paintings.

This is from Katjus in Finland. I think these are fake mushrooms but I think it would be fun to see a brightly colored mushroom in nature.

This nasty little salamander is from Swan in California. I would hate to run across him in a dark alley!

This is from Barbara in Italy

This is from Selim in Germany - those seals sure have shiny heads!

This is from Karin in Germany. I think it is such a beautiful bridge.

This quirky postcard if from Carina in Helsinki. I have never seen a chicken postcard before and I think it is adorable.

My brother went to Europe and all I got was this postcard

My brother, Mark, went to Northern Italy and France on Spring break. I begged him to send me a postcard and I am so happy that he did! The postcard is from Verona but he sent it from France.

This is from Laura in Baton Rouge. She told me about the legend of Oak Alley. These trees and bushes were planted by a plantation owner who wanted a beautiful place for his daughter's wedding.

This is from Heli in Finland. She sent it in a sparkly gold envelope which was such a nice surprise. She bought the card from a toy museum she used to work in.

This postcard is from Mike. I hope to live in one of the twin cities one day! The skyline reminds me of Cincinnati.

This is from Nurul in Malaysia. I don't received many postcards from Asia so it is always a nice surprise when I do.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

This is from Susanna in Joensuu, Finland.

This is from Pazzolina in France - she also added an awesome breast cancer awareness stamp!

This is from Jaata in Helsinki, Finland.

This is from Debbie in Dallas - I like the scalloped edges!

This is from Mei in the Netherlands. It looks like the cover of some Dutch romance novels!

This week I got my first postcard from Iceland. This is from Heidrun and it shows an area in Iceland near her family's vacation home.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This is my first postcard from Malaysia; hurray! I love the monkeys.

This is from Erik in Norway - home of really really good winter olympians.

This is from Julia in Germany - I wonder how they keep all the ropes from tangling up?

This is a really neat card from Raisa in Finland. The artist does illustrations for Swedish children's books.

This is a peculiar card from Zmrzlina in Pennsylvania. The back of the card says "One of a series of serious cards done by a publisher in serious trouble."

This is from Viola in Finland. Owls are such strange birds, they look so mean.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

This is from Jenee in Kansas. She is so generous and kind - she sent it because she saw how much Todd liked the Kansas gunfighters postcard she sent earlier. Neither of us knew how many American legendary folk characters came from Kansas!

This is from Jaye in Pennsylvania. What an adorable picture - it makes my uterus hurt.

(I'm kidding of course, no kids for me for a while!)

This is a photograph of the actual schoolhouse that Barbara's dad attended. It is surprisingly spacious for a one room school.

Golden Gate Bridge from Jessica in San Francisco

This cute postcard of Pippi is from Marianne in Finland. I'm happy to hear that Pippi is popular in Scandinavia as well!

This is from Mike in Montana. Did you know that Lincoln was the city that Ted Kazinski (The Unibomber) was apprehended? Radical!

From Michael in Canada

This is an official postcrossing card from Pauli in Vienna

I received these Polish Stamps on a package from Poland - it containied a chocolate candy bar; yum! Remember how you aren't supposed to take candy from strangers...I didn't listen to that.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

This is from Luis in Portugal. Batalha Castle is a UNESCO world heritage site and was built in the 14th century!

This sparkly card is from Matthew in Korea. I nearly blinded myself with its sparkliness when I was driving today!

Todd, the perpetual dog lover, is very fond of this card from Nora in Finland. He is a cutey - too bad they bark and shed and stink!

Rar! This handsome devil is from Jenee in Topeka, KS.

This made me chuckle - it is a Czech artist and the card is from Teya in Finland.

This is from Doville in Lithuania; she and I are both Olympic-crazy. It is my first card from Lithuania!

This is from Cat in...Maryland, obviously. I want to live in Maryland one day, I always thought it was such a pretty state.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

This is a peculiar card from Karin in Germany! She was worried I wouldn't like it, but I really really like it because it is so unusual and creepy.

This is a great United National Ad card from Marina in Finland. She put a really cool heart shaped stamp on it as well.

This is such an interesting building; it reminds me of Cincinnati. It is from Simone in the Netherlands. I love the stamp, too!

I'm not usually into "cutesie" things, but this postcard made my heart melt. It is from Carole in Ontario

This is sample of Virginia life from Barbara. It's so nice of her to create a postcard from her very own photographs!

Apparently this building is called the "bat building" by the locals. This is from a different Barbara in, where else, Nashville.

So you see you see where that stamp is from? It's from South Africa! Hurray! Loralai in South Africa sent me one of her favorite recipes. It looks totally yummy, I can't wait to try it!